How to Succeed as a Remote Xactimate Estimator: Tips and Tricks
Xactimate estimators are professionals who use specialized software to create detailed cost estimates for construction projects. These estimates take into account the cost of materials, labor, and other expenses associated with a project, and are used by contractors...
Protecting Your Home and Loved Ones
Protect Your Home from the Dangers of House Fires The Most Common Causes of House Fires Cooking: Unattended cooking is a leading cause of house fires. It is important to stay in the kitchen when cooking, especially when using the stovetop. Keep flammable...
Does Xactimate Include Profit?
“You can’t help anyone if you’re broke.” When it feels as if everything is out of control, we can help. Focus on what you CAN control.
VIDEO: Inflation is REAL
I just wrote up an estimate over the weekend. You’ll never believe what I found… If you aren’t looking at your costs, you’re in trouble.
No Insurance? What? Me Worry?
Mold remediation is no big deal… until it’s not. Let me tell you about the dangers. Long story short — get liability insurance!
PODCAST: Get Paid Your Worth
Andy was recently interviewed for Restoration Domination Ep 027 on YouTube. There’s a ton of golden nuggets of wisdom here.
Insurance Power Questions Take Your Power Back! Ask your insurance company THESE QUESTIONS to get PAID IN FULL, before things get ugly. Request the answers via email so you have documentation for later (especially if this goes to trial!) Is my claim covered? This...
Restoration Crash Course 2022
In this three-day special event you will learn how to use Xactimate, track your time, at make more money in restoration! SIGN UP NOW!
What is a Restoration Rebel?
There was a great post over on our Restoration Rebels Facebook page today. What does it mean to be a Restoration Rebel? This is what it means to me.
Weaponized Appraisal and Call for Unity
A humble band of restoration contractors joined together as one. Their cry? NO MORE! NO comp bids. DEMAND fair compensation. United = STRONG.